OPSI.web2.http module

HyperText Transfer Protocol implementation.

The second coming.

Maintainer: U{James Y Knight <mailto:foom@fuhm.net>}

exception OPSI.web2.http.HTTPError(codeOrResponse)

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class OPSI.web2.http.Request(chanRequest, command, path, version, contentLength, headers)

Bases: object

A HTTP request.

Subclasses should override the process() method to determine how the request will be processed.

@ivar method: The HTTP method that was used. @ivar uri: The full URI that was requested (includes arguments). @ivar headers: All received headers @ivar clientproto: client HTTP version @ivar stream: incoming data stream.


Ensure there are no expectations that cannot be met. Checks Expect header against self.known_expects.


connection was lost


Callback from channel when a piece of data has been received. Puts the data in .stream


Callback from channel when all data has been received.

known_expects = ('100-continue',)

Called by channel to let you process the request.

Can be overridden by a subclass to do something useful.


Write a response.

class OPSI.web2.http.Response(code=None, headers=None, stream=None)

Bases: object

An object representing an HTTP Response to be sent to the client.

code = 200
headers = None
stream = None
OPSI.web2.http.checkIfRange(request, response)

Checks for the If-Range header, and if it exists, checks if the test passes. Returns true if the server should return partial data.

OPSI.web2.http.checkPreconditions(request, response=None, entityExists=True, etag=None, lastModified=None)

Check to see if this request passes the conditional checks specified by the client. May raise an HTTPError with result codes L{NOT_MODIFIED} or L{PRECONDITION_FAILED}, as appropriate.

This function is called automatically as an output filter for GET and HEAD requests. With GET/HEAD, it is not important for the precondition check to occur before doing the action, as the method is non-destructive.

However, if you are implementing other request methods, like PUT for your resource, you will need to call this after determining the etag and last-modified time of the existing resource but before actually doing the requested action. In that case,

This examines the appropriate request headers for conditionals, (If-Modified-Since, If-Unmodified-Since, If-Match, If-None-Match, or If-Range), compares with the etag and last and and then sets the response code as necessary.

@param response: This should be provided for GET/HEAD methods. If
it is specified, the etag and lastModified arguments will be retrieved automatically from the response headers and shouldn’t be separately specified. Not providing the response with a GET request may cause the emitted “Not Modified” responses to be non-conformant.
@param entityExists: Set to False if the entity in question doesn’t
yet exist. Necessary for PUT support with ‘If-None-Match: *‘.

@param etag: The etag of the resource to check against, or None.

@param lastModified: The last modified date of the resource to check
against, or None.
@raise: HTTPError: Raised when the preconditions fail, in order to
abort processing and emit an error page.

Parse version strings of the form Protocol ‘/’ Major ‘.’ Minor. E.g. ‘HTTP/1.1’. Returns (protocol, major, minor). Will raise ValueError on bad syntax.

OPSI.web2.http.splitHostPort(scheme, hostport)

Split the host in “host:port” format into host and port fields. If port was not specified, use the default for the given scheme, if known. Returns a tuple of (hostname, portnumber).