OPSI.web2.fileupload module

OPSI.web2.fileupload.parseMultipartFormData(*args, **kwargs)
OPSI.web2.fileupload.parse_urlencoded(*args, **kwargs)
OPSI.web2.fileupload.parse_urlencoded_stream(stream, *args, **kwargs)
class OPSI.web2.fileupload.MultipartMimeStream(stream, boundary)

Bases: object


Return a deferred which will fire with a tuple of: (fieldname, filename, ctype, dataStream) or None when all done.

Format errors will be sent to the errback.

Returns None when all done.

IMPORTANT: you must exhaust dataStream returned by this call before calling .read() again!

exception OPSI.web2.fileupload.MimeFormatError

Bases: exceptions.Exception