OPSI.web2.xmlrpc module

A generic resource for publishing objects via XML-RPC.

API Stability: semi-stable

Maintainer: U{Itamar Shtull-Trauring<mailto:twisted@itamarst.org>}

class OPSI.web2.xmlrpc.XMLRPC

Bases: OPSI.web2.resource.Resource

A resource that implements XML-RPC.

You probably want to connect this to ‘/RPC2’.

Methods published can return XML-RPC serializable results, Faults, Binary, Boolean, DateTime, Deferreds, or Handler instances.

By default methods beginning with ‘xmlrpc_‘ are published.

Sub-handlers for prefixed methods (e.g., system.listMethods) can be added with putSubHandler. By default, prefixes are separated with a ‘.’. Override self.separator to change this.

FAILURE = 8002
NOT_FOUND = 8001

Given a string, return a function, or raise NoSuchFunction.

This returned function will be called, and should return the result of the call, a Deferred, or a Fault instance.

Override in subclasses if you want your own policy. The default policy is that given functionPath ‘foo’, return the method at self.xmlrpc_foo, i.e. getattr(self, “xmlrpc_” + functionPath). If functionPath contains self.separator, the sub-handler for the initial prefix is used to search for the remaining path.

putSubHandler(prefix, handler)
separator = '.'
exception OPSI.web2.xmlrpc.NoSuchFunction(faultCode, faultString, **extra)

Bases: xmlrpclib.Fault

There is no function by the given name.

exception OPSI.web2.xmlrpc.Fault(faultCode, faultString, **extra)

Bases: xmlrpclib.Error

Indicates an XML-RPC fault package.