OPSI.web2.dav.element.rfc3253 module

RFC 3253 (Versioning Extensions to WebDAV) XML Elements

This module provides XML element definitions for use with WebDAV.

See RFC 3253: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3253.txt

class OPSI.web2.dav.element.rfc3253.Comment(*children, **attributes)

Bases: OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVTextElement

Property used to track a brief comment about a resource that is suitable for presentation to a user. On a version, can be used to indicate why that version was created. (RFC 3253, section 3.1.1)

hidden = True
name = 'comment'
class OPSI.web2.dav.element.rfc3253.CreatorDisplayName(*children, **attributes)

Bases: OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVTextElement

Property which contains a description of the creator of the resource that is suitable for presentation to a user. (RFC 3253, section 3.1.2)

hidden = True
name = 'creator-displayname'
class OPSI.web2.dav.element.rfc3253.Error(*children, **attributes)

Bases: OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVElement

Specifies an error condition. (RFC 3253, section 1.6)

allowed_children = {<class 'OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVElement'>: (0, None)}
name = 'error'
class OPSI.web2.dav.element.rfc3253.ExpandProperty(*children, **attributes)

Bases: OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVElement

Report which provides a mechanism for retrieving in one request the properties from resources identified by DAV:href property values. (RFC 3253, section 3.8)

allowed_children = {('DAV:', 'property'): (0, None)}
name = 'expand-property'
class OPSI.web2.dav.element.rfc3253.Property(*children, **attributes)

Bases: OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVElement

Identifies a property by name. (RFC 3253, section 3.8) Principal which matches a user if the value of the identified property of a resource contains at most one DAV:href element, the value of that element identifies a principal, and the user matches that principal. (RFC 3744, section 5.5.1)

allowed_attributes = {'namespace': False, 'name': True}
allowed_children = {('DAV:', 'property'): (0, None)}
name = 'property'
class OPSI.web2.dav.element.rfc3253.Report(*children, **attributes)

Bases: OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVElement

A report. (RFC 3253, section 3.1.5)

allowed_children = {<class 'OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVElement'>: (0, None)}
name = 'report'
class OPSI.web2.dav.element.rfc3253.SupportedLiveProperty(*children, **attributes)

Bases: OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVElement

Property which identifies a live property that is supported by a resource. A live property is supported by a resource if that property has the semantics defined for that property. The value of this property must identify all live properties defined by this document that are supported by the resource and should identify all live properties that are supported by the resource. (RFC 3253, section 3.1.4)

allowed_children = {('DAV:', 'name'): (1, 1)}
name = 'supported-live-property'
class OPSI.web2.dav.element.rfc3253.SupportedLivePropertySet(*children, **attributes)

Bases: OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVElement

Property which identifies the live properties that are supported by a resource. (RFC 3253, section 3.1.4)

allowed_children = {('DAV:', 'supported-live-property'): (0, None)}
hidden = True
name = 'supported-live-property-set'
protected = True
class OPSI.web2.dav.element.rfc3253.SupportedMethod(*children, **attributes)

Bases: OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVElement

Property which identifies a method that is supported by a resource. A method is supported by a resource if there is some state of that resource for which an application of that method will successfully satisfy all postconditions of that method, including any additional postconditions added by the features supported by that resource. (RFC 3253, section 3.1.3)

allowed_attributes = {'name': True}
allowed_children = {<class 'OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVElement'>: (0, None)}
hidden = True
name = 'supported-method'
class OPSI.web2.dav.element.rfc3253.SupportedMethodSet(*children, **attributes)

Bases: OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVElement

Property which identifies the methods that are supported by a resource. (RFC 3253, section 3.1.3)

allowed_children = {('DAV:', 'supported-method'): (0, None)}
hidden = True
name = 'supported-method-set'
protected = True
class OPSI.web2.dav.element.rfc3253.SupportedReport(*children, **attributes)

Bases: OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVElement

Identifies a report that is supported by the resource. (RFC 3253, section 3.1.5)

allowed_children = {('DAV:', 'report'): (0, 1)}
name = 'supported-report'
class OPSI.web2.dav.element.rfc3253.SupportedReportSet(*children, **attributes)

Bases: OPSI.web2.dav.element.base.WebDAVElement

Property which identifies the reports that are supported by the resource. (RFC 3253, section 3.1.5)

allowed_children = {('DAV:', 'supported-report'): (0, None)}
hidden = True
name = 'supported-report-set'
protected = True