OPSI.ldaptor.protocols.ldap.ldapclient module

LDAP protocol client

class OPSI.ldaptor.protocols.ldap.ldapclient.LDAPClient

Bases: twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol

An LDAP client

berdecoder = <LDAPBERDecoderContext_TopLevel identities={0x10: LDAPMessage} fallback=None inherit=<LDAPBERDecoderContext_LDAPMessage identities={0x80: LDAPControls} fallback=<LDAPBERDecoderContext identities={0x40: LDAPBindRequest, 0x41: LDAPBindResponse, 0x42: LDAPUnbindRequest, 0x43: LDAPSearchRequest, 0x44: LDAPSearchResultEntry, 0x45: LDAPSearchResultDone, 0x46: LDAPModifyRequest, 0x47: LDAPModifyResponse, 0x48: LDAPAddRequest, 0x49: LDAPAddResponse, 0x4a: LDAPDelRequest, 0x4b: LDAPDelResponse, 0x4c: LDAPModifyDNRequest, 0x4d: LDAPModifyDNResponse, 0x83: LDAPReferral, 0x57: LDAPExtendedRequest, 0x58: LDAPExtendedResponse} fallback=<BERDecoderContext identities={0x01: BERBoolean, 0x02: BERInteger, 0x04: BEROctetString, 0x05: BERNull, 0x0a: BEREnumerated, 0x10: BERSequence, 0x11: BERSet} fallback=None inherit=None> inherit=None> inherit=<LDAPBERDecoderContext identities={0x40: LDAPBindRequest, 0x41: LDAPBindResponse, 0x42: LDAPUnbindRequest, 0x43: LDAPSearchRequest, 0x44: LDAPSearchResultEntry, 0x45: LDAPSearchResultDone, 0x46: LDAPModifyRequest, 0x47: LDAPModifyResponse, 0x48: LDAPAddRequest, 0x49: LDAPAddResponse, 0x4a: LDAPDelRequest, 0x4b: LDAPDelResponse, 0x4c: LDAPModifyDNRequest, 0x4d: LDAPModifyDNResponse, 0x83: LDAPReferral, 0x57: LDAPExtendedRequest, 0x58: LDAPExtendedResponse} fallback=<BERDecoderContext identities={0x01: BERBoolean, 0x02: BERInteger, 0x04: BEROctetString, 0x05: BERNull, 0x0a: BEREnumerated, 0x10: BERSequence, 0x11: BERSet} fallback=None inherit=None> inherit=None>>>
bind(dn='', auth='')

@depreciated: Use e.bind(auth).

@todo: Remove this method when there are no callers.

connectionLost(reason=<twisted.python.failure.Failure <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone'>>)

Called when TCP connection has been lost


TCP connection has opened

debug = False

Send an LDAP operation to the server.

@param op: the operation to send

@type op: LDAPProtocolRequest

@return: the response from server

@rtype: Deferred LDAPProtocolResponse

send_multiResponse(op, handler, *args, **kwargs)

Send an LDAP operation to the server, expecting one or more responses.

@param op: the operation to send

@type op: LDAPProtocolRequest

@param handler: a callable that will be called for each response. It should return a boolean, whether this was the final response.

@param args: positional arguments to pass to handler

@param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to handler

@return: the result from the last handler as a deferred that completes when the last response has been received

@rtype: Deferred LDAPProtocolResponse


Send an LDAP operation to the server, with no response expected.

@param op: the operation to send @type op: LDAPProtocolRequest


Start Transport Layer Security.

It is the callers responsibility to make sure other things are not happening at the same time.

@todo: server hostname check, see rfc2830 section 3.6.

exception OPSI.ldaptor.protocols.ldap.ldapclient.LDAPClientConnectionLostException(message=None)

Bases: OPSI.ldaptor.protocols.ldap.ldaperrors.LDAPException

exception OPSI.ldaptor.protocols.ldap.ldapclient.LDAPStartTLSBusyError(onwire, message=None)

Bases: OPSI.ldaptor.protocols.ldap.ldaperrors.LDAPOperationsError