OPSI.Util.WIM module

Working with Windows Imaging Format (WIM) files.

copyright:uib GmbH <info@uib.de>
author:Niko Wenselowski <n.wenselowski@uib.de>
license:GNU Affero General Public License version 3

Read information from a WIM file at imagePath.

This method acts as a generator that yields information for each image in the file as a dict. The keys in the dict are all lowercase. Every dict has at least the key ‘name’.


Parses the WIM file at the given path.

This requires wimlib-imagex to be installed on the server.

Returns:a list of images. These have attributes name, languages and default_language.
OPSI.Util.WIM.writeImageInformation(backend, productId, imagenames, languages=None, defaultLanguage=None)

Writes information about the imagenames to the propert imagename of the product with the given productId.

If languages are given these will be written to the property system_language. If an additional defaultLanguage is given this will be selected as the default.