OPSI.Util.Task.Certificate module

opsi python library - Util - Task - Certificate

Functionality to work with certificates. Certificates play an important role in the encrypted communication between servers and clients.

New in version 4.0.4.

author:Niko Wenselowski <n.wenselowski@uib.de>
license:GNU Affero General Public License version 3
exception OPSI.Util.Task.Certificate.CertificateCreationError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception OPSI.Util.Task.Certificate.NoCertificateError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception OPSI.Util.Task.Certificate.UnreadableCertificateError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

OPSI.Util.Task.Certificate.createCertificate(path=None, config=None)

Creates a certificate.

Will overwrite any certificate that may exists in path.

Changed in version Incrementing previously set serial number on re-creation. For new certificates a random number will be generated.

  • path (str) – The path of the certificate. If this is None the default will be used.
  • config (dict) – The configuration of the certificate. If not given will use a default.

CertificateCreationError – If errors exist in configuration.


Loads certificate configuration from a file.


path (str) – The path to the certificate. Uses OPSICONFD_CERTFILE if no path is given.

  • NoCertificateError – If no certificate found.
  • UnreadableCertificateError – If certificate can not be read.

The configuration as read from the certificate.

Return type:


OPSI.Util.Task.Certificate.renewCertificate(path=None, yearsUntilExpiration=2, config=None)

Renews an existing certificate and creates a backup of the old file

If an error occurs during the creation of the new certificate the backup will be restored.

  • path (str) – The path of the certificate.
  • yearsUntilExpiration (int) – How many years will the certificate be valid? Will always overwrite an existing value in config.
  • config (dict) – Settings for the new certificate. If this is None the values for the configuration will be read from the existing certificate.

NoCertificateError – If no certificate found.